
Genesis Overview
In the very first verse the LORD tells us how it all started. That is why people refer to Genesis as “the book of beginnings.”
Gen 1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
It started with GOD, and God was here “before the beginning.” So say goodbye to evolution and the Big Bang and atheism and all the modern philosophies of man.
In Genesis 1 we find out he created the earth, Man, animals ,and how he gave man dominion over the animals. So out goes the idea that animals are just as important as men. Say goodbye to the “wisdom of this world” when you read the Bible.
In Genesis 2 the LORD describes how he “breathed into Adams nostrils the breathe of life” and your here today because of that same breath.
The LORD causes a deep sleep to fall on Adam.
Gen 2:21 And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof;
Gen 2:22 And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.
Adam and Eve are given two commands. Adam needs to dress and keep the garden and never eat off of a certain tree.
You know the story…they both eat the fruit. Adam wasn’t deceived but Eve was deceived. She gave into the temptation from the serpent.
This goes against the saying of man which says “man is basically good.” But even 6,000 years ago we find man is basically just good at sinning. We find that God gave man a choice and man didn’t choose God.
And that is how we got to the mess we are in today. That is why you have sin, sickness, disease, death, natural disasters, bad things happening to seemingly good people and any other bad thing. This is answered in the third chapter of the Bible. This is why women have painful child birth and why man has to wake up and do hard labour to eat.
In Genesis 3 you have a prophecy of the LORD Jesus Christ crushing the head of the serpent..
Gen 3:15 And I will put enmity between thee (the devil) and the woman, and between thy seed(the devils seed) and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.
For this reason the devil tries to corrupt the seed.
We go on to Genesis 4 and he moves Cain to kill Abel to try and get rid of the seed…
I’m sure you have read, if you have read much of the Bible that every story points to Jesus Christ in some way. Cain killing Abel pictures the religious crowd killing Jesus Christ.
But then Adam and Eve have Seth in Abel’s place. He would carry the promised seed.
In Genesis chapter 5 we are introduced to a man named Enoch who “walked with God.” It says “he was not for God took him.” That shows us the rapture that is introduced to us in the New Testament. Because Enoch is translated without dying. Just like Christians who are alive at the rapture are translated without dying.
Heb 11:5 By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death; and was not found, because God had translated him: for before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased God.
Enoch walked with God, had a son named Methuselah who ended up being the oldest person in the Bible at 969 years old…he must have trained him up in the way he should go and methuselah must have honored his father and mother because his days were long on the earth and his name means “when he is dead it shall be sent.”
And then when he died the flood came, but right before that the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair and took them wives of all which they chose. This once again is the devil trying to mess up the seed that will crush his head.
Before the flood the LORD gives instructions to Noah about how to build the ark.
The ark pictures Jesus Christ. It has ONE DOOR. Just like Jesus is the only way to heaven. And the same way the LORD gives Noah instructions on how to build the ark he gives us instructions on how to be saved as well. That is through Jesus Christ. Noah “walked with God.” When everyone else was wicked, Noah was living for God. That shows us as Christians today we should “walk in the spirit.” Noah was a saint going against the world around him. Just like today as Christians we don’t need to be “conformed to the image of the world but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind.”
You know the story, Noah eventually gets off the ark and builds an altar. The first thing he is thinking about is giving something to the LORD who just brought him through the storm. Think about God when things are good and think about God when things are bad.
At this time the LORD tells Noah to “be fruitful and multiply.” He tells him to replenish the earth. Just like he said to Adam. He told Adam to be fruitful and multiply and to replenish the earth. Study that word replenish if you want some strong meat.
But it’s not long until the SERPENT strikes again. Every saint will face the serpent. Not just other devils but THE DEVIL. Peter calls him YOUR ADVERSARY. Not the adversary. He may not be able to be everywhere at once but he can get around pretty quick.
But he somehow gets Noah drunk. Ham, which is one of Noahs sons uncovers his fathers nakedness in his tent and his son Canaan is cursed.
But the nations descend from Noah. It would be just like if you and your family survived an apocalypse event and only y’all survived. Your familu would have to be fruitful and multiply. That’s what Noah, Noahs wife, his sons and daughters in law did. Everyone on this earth came from Noahs three sons SHEM, HAM, Anf JAPHETH.
Even after God destroyed the giants and all the wicked people on earth with a flood it didn’t take them long to get wicked again. When things start going Good, than men tend to get wicked. Be faithful when things are going good. When things are going good than people start thinking they can make it on their own…without God and that is exactly what happened in Genesis 11 when men began to build the Tower of Babel…
But the LORD wasn’t pleased. He came down and looked at it. He saw the wickedness of man. He saw how that every man was of one language and one speech. So he confounded their language.
When men get together and become prosperous they tend to forget about God.
In Genesis 11 one of the greatest and most well known characters is born…his name is ABRAM.
ABRAHAM IS referred to as “the friend of God.” But he was still a man. Just like Noah he was still a sinner. He had faith but he still fell short of the glory of God. When he went to Egypt he LIED about his wife. See, his wife’s name was SARAI, later her name would be Sarah. But he lied and said she was his sister because he thought the men there would kill him to take his wife. Now, he told a half truth, Sarah was his HALF SISTER. This is before it was wrong to marry your own kin. So he lied about his wife. That’s why Paul says “let god be true but EVERY MAN a liar.”
Now since he lied about his wife. Pharaoh took Sarah. And then the LORD plagues pharaoh for taking her. One thing if for certain in the Bible the LORD doesn’t like for you to take another man’s wife.
Abraham has a nephew named LOT. Lot and Abraham couldn’t dwell together so Lot pitches his tent toward SODOM. IN GENESIS 13:13 it says the men of sodom “were wicked and sinners exceedingly before the LORD.” That’s how God feels about the Sodomites. That’s how God feels about what you see in America today.
Lot is a righteous man dwelling in a wicked place.
2Pe 2:8 (For that righteous man dwelling among them, in seeing and hearing, vexed his righteous soul from day to day with their unlawful deeds;)
Just like Christians in America are righteous men dwelling in a wicked place. Everywhere you go people ought to think there is something different about you.
Lot is eventually CAPTURED and all his goods. Abraham finds out about it and gets his servants together that he trained HIMSELF….they go and smite the enemy, save the day, get lot back and all his stuff.
Notice that the men God uses are SOLDIER LIKE. They aren’t sissy’s. They are bold and ready to fight. That is the type of men The LORD is looking for. Humble men who are willing to fight.
In Genesis 15…
Gen 15:5 And he brought him forth abroad, and said, Look now toward heaven, and tell the stars, if thou be able to number them: and he said unto him, So shall thy seed be.
This is the theme of the book of Genesis. The promised seed. Jesus willl come from the seed of Abraham. He is the promised seed in Genesis 3:15. There are 7 men in the Bible who carry the seed. It was going to be Abel but he was killed, so Adam & Eve begat Seth. This pictures how you need a SECOND BIRTH…you need to be born again. But there are 7 main men in the Bible who carry the seed. Seth, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph.
The LORD promised Abraham he would have a son in his old age and that was ISAAC. A story of Abraham and Isaac in the book of Genesis has one of the greatest pictures of the LORD Jesus Christ in all of the Bible. Abraham is told to sacrifice his son, his only son Isaac…picturing God the father offering his only begotten son the LORD Jesus Christ.
Genesis ends with the story of Joseph, possibly the greatest picture of Jesus Christ in the entire bible. As you know Joseph is the son of Jacob…Joseph’s brothers hate him, just like the LORD’s brothers hated him, Joseph is sold for money, just like Jesus is sold for thirty pieces of silver, Joseph is made second ruler of the kingdom when he is 30 years old…just like Jesus Began his ministry at 30 years old.