MATTHEW 4 Jesus THE CHAMPION FOES ARE FALLEN - Mat 4:1 Then was Jesus led up of the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil. Jesus was “led up…
WHY WAS JOHN GREAT?! Matthew Chapter 3 If Jesus Christ had a favorite preacher when he walked this earth in the flesh I think it would be John. Notice the…
CHANGED, CAUGHT UP, & CROWNED We are in the last days of the church age. Many saints are living for the LORD but many more are in a “LATTER DAZE”. This…
INTERESTS OF A WISE MAN Mat 2:1 Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judaea in the days of Herod the king, behold, there came wise men from the east…
In Revelation 1-3 it talks about 7 churches. Each church represents a different time in church history. Now we are in the last church period. This is Laodicea. They are luke…
Why Jesus Is My King Magnified Words In His Book Mat 1:1 The bookof the generation of Jesus Christ, God gave us words written in books. Isaiah 35:16 says “seek ye out… Overview Of The Book Of Judges 21 chapters, 618 verses, 18976 words. Author = SamuelHistorical time = 1425 BC to 1120 BC Judges shows the law of human collapse. Man… Author - Joshua & Samuel 24 Chapters, 658 verses, 18858 words 1451 BC to 1427 BC Historically this book shows us what happens when Israel Crosses Jordan and They… Deuteronomy This book is another overlooked, under read, under rated, and amazing book in the Bible. There are so many cool stories. Deuter means 2nd. Onomy means law. So this book…
Overview Outline Video NUMBERSTitle Means - NUMBERING as in a census 36 Chapters 1288 Verses32902Author - Moses Time Span - 1490 BC to 1451 BCTheme - Wandering In Unbelief Historical - Numbering for WAR.…